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Maintenance Services

Keeping up with the maintenance of your lawn and garden in Victoria, BC can take up all of your free time and energy. As a few examples, healthy lawns require weekly mowing during the growing season, garden beds need to be weeded, cleaned, edged and so on to look great year-round, and every tree and shrub has an ideal time of year for pruning and hedging.

We provide several seasonal maintenance packages and can help find the one for you. Our dedicated maintenance teams are experts in lawn mowing and healthy grass upkeep, garden bed maintenance, hedging and pruning, irrigation, and more. Since 2007, we’ve learned first-hand what works (and what doesn’t) for gardens and lawns in Victoria, BC. We’ve perfected our maintenance services programs and schedules within each to ensure that seasonal and annual tasks get done on time and correctly.

Costa Verde’s dedicated maintenance manager has helped develop three maintenance programs (plus additional services and irrigation) that are efficient and effective for both our customers and us. From the initial estimate, scheduling, communication, and customer check-ups through to staff training, knowledge sharing, and career growth, we ensure that everyone is happy and on the same program.

We have specialized crews operating each program: lawn mowing, garden bed maintenance, and pruning and hedging, plus additional lawn and garden services in Victoria, BC. This allows us to keep our pricing down as well as train our staff on specific tasks or aspects in order to provide fantastic service.

Within each program, we have seasonal and tiered-annual packages with scheduled visits to complete certain tasks. We’ll work with you to find the program(s), schedule, cadence, and additional services that your lawn or garden needs to look great and stay healthy throughout the year. Connect with our maintenance manager today to find out if we would be a good fit for you and your garden’s needs.

Learn more about maintenance offerings in the links below:

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